Most Common Causes of Pelvic Pain

Are you experiencing intermittent or persistent pain in your lower abdomen? If yes, you should seek medical help because you might be suffering from certain conditions that affect your reproductive system. The cardinal sign that your reproductive organs have a problem is pelvic pain. In this case, your care providers usually examine your reproductive organs to ensure they offer the best treatment for you. You can find relief from Memorial City pelvic pain surgical and conservative interventions offered by qualified specialists to help alleviate pain, especially if you are experiencing pelvic pain. The care providers usually identify the cause before offering treatment. Below are some of the causes of pelvic pain.
Ectopic pregnancy
Usually, an ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized ovum implants and grows outside your uterus, which causes severe pelvic pain. Such a pregnancy is not viable because a fetus can only grow in the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy usually occurs in the fallopian tube but can also implant in the abdominal cavity, ovary, or cervix. Usually, pelvic pain and irregular bleeding are some of the common signs of an ectopic pregnancy.
Generally, endometriosis is a condition where the endometrium grows outside your uterus, especially the surrounding organs. In most cases, when you are having your periods, the tissues tend to be painful. However, the extent and severity of your symptoms depend on where the endometrial tissue implants. In this case, you may experience pain during other times of your cycle or menstruation.
Pelvic inflammatory disease
In most cases, a pelvic inflammatory disease can be caused by an infection acquired from a sexually transmitted disease. Pelvic inflammatory disease refers to a chronic infection of your reproductive organs. It is a condition that often causes pelvic pain, low back pain, or irregular vaginal discharge.
Ovarian cysts
Typically, cysts are harmless and can form in your ovaries and go away after a while. However, suppose one cyst causes an ovarian torsion, ruptures, or twists. In that case, it can result in a sharp or dull aching in your lower abdomen, especially on the side the affected cysts are located. You should note that a ruptured cyst is considered a medical emergency, and you must seek medical attention immediately.
Sexually transmitted infections
Some STIs do not always cause pelvic pain, but pelvic pain is also a warning sign of certain STDs like gonorrhea and chlamydia. Therefore, if you are sexually active and have multiple partners, you should get tested for these STDs if you are experiencing pelvic pain. In most cases, you usually experience pelvic pain between periods, when peeing, and your vaginal discharge is abnormal.
Are you experiencing persistent pelvic pain that has lasted for days or weeks? You can call and consult Memorial Women’s Specialists on the various effective treatments available to help deal with the cause of your pain and offer relief. You can also schedule your appointment online, especially if your pelvic pain is unresponsive to various home remedies. The care providers usually perfume a thorough examination whereby they run all the necessary tests to help identify the cause and ensure they offer the best treatment for your problem.