Are You Next In Line for Colonoscopy? Here Is What You Should Expect?

Colon cancer continues to affect a large population with symptoms that include abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, and chronic diarrhea. If you have had polyps before, you may also have an increased risk of developing colon cancer. At GastroDoxs PLLC, you will get the best GI doctors who can perform a colonoscopy to determine the cause of your symptoms and use the procedure to find more polyps and remove them. Sometimes, your doctor can perform a colonoscopy for treatment purposes. Here is a discussion on what you expect during a colonoscopy.
Why Would Your Doctor Perform A Colonoscopy?
You may need a colonoscopy if your doctor wants to determine the causes of abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and intestinal issues. A colonoscopy is a standard procedure if you are 45 years and above to screen for possible signs of colon cancer because your risk increases with age. Also, your doctor may recommend this procedure if you have had polyps before, and they need to check for more polyps that may cause colon cancer. Lastly, a colonoscopy can treat an issue by removing objects in your colon and placing a stent.
How Do You Prepare for A Colonoscopy?
You will need an empty colon so your doctor can view your colon well during the exam. Firstly, you will be limited to a special diet a day before the procedure. You will not have solid food and will drink only clear liquids. After midnight, avoid eating and drinking anything the night before the exam. Secondly, your doctor will prescribe a laxative you take the night before your procedure to help empty your bowel. Lastly, you may need to adjust your medications before your exam.
What Happens During a Colonoscopy?
You will begin by lying on the side and drawing your knees toward your chest. Your doctor will then administer anesthesia to reduce discomfort and pain and insert a colonoscope into your rectum. The colonoscope has a tube containing the air that will inflate your colon to provide a better view of its lining. You will likely experience cramping and the urge to move your bowel as the air passes your colon. Since the colonoscope has a camera at the tip, it will send images to a screen that your doctor will view to check your colon. Your doctor may also take tissue samples and remove polyps during a colonoscopy.
What Happens After A Colonoscopy?
You will likely experience bloating after your exam and may pass gas as you clear your colon. Your doctor can recommend walking to help relieve discomfort. You may notice little blood as you perform your first bowel movement, but it should not worry you. However, you can call your doctor if the blood continues and you develop persistent abdominal pain. visit for more about: Jio Rockers Kannada
A colonoscopy can investigate the reasons for changes in your colon, including swelling and irritation. You will require this procedure to diagnose the lining of your colon and reveal possible cancer and precancerous symptoms, polyps, and tumors. If your doctor says you need a colonoscopy, you should not get scared because it is a minimally invasive procedure; you will require no incisions, and the procedure takes up to half an hour. Your test results after a colonoscopy will determine your doctor’s next action toward your treatment.